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  • Prof Louis Cozolino "The Tribal Classroom"

Prof Louis Cozolino "The Tribal Classroom"

  • 21 May 2020
  • 18:15 - 19:15
  • The Melbourne Brain Centre (Kenneth Myer Building) 144/30 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052
  • 200


  • Member and Non-Member prices are the same
  • Member and Non-Member prices are the same

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Over the last fifty years, the faith that past generations may have placed in education as a path to economic opportunity has been eroding. Many no longer view public education as a worthwhile investment, making it increasingly vulnerable to declines in resources and quality. This shift is reflected in rates of student dropout, teacher burnout, and a flight to private and home schooling. In some quarters, the perception of public schools has shifted from a solution to social and economic problems, to a problem in and of itself.

In this talk, Louis Cozolino will address this challenge and more, through the lens of human relationships. The goal of this workshop is to teach participants how an understanding of brain evolution, social neuroscience, and group behavior can inform, impact, and change our approach to education in powerful ways. By placing healthy and secure attachment at the center of learning, he argues, we can turbocharge plasticity, enhance learning, and improve schools.

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